A review by katmullen
Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed


An important read. It’s definitely cutesy and rom-comish, but it still deals with important issues like racism and terrorism.


I love Maya. I can’t relate to her experiences as an Indian Muslim, but I can relate to her with movie making and the fact that I can’t swim either.

I like both of the love interests, which doesn’t happen often to me. Though it is awkward that my brother’s name is Phil and my mum’s name is Lisa.

I love Kareem! Sad that he didn’t end up being THE love interest, but I do like that he effortlessly transitioned from love interest to close friend.

“Maybe Phil’s not in my future, but my other dreams can be. They already are”
YES GIRL. Also foreshadowing here. Maya knows that a boy doesn’t make or break her. And at the end they don’t really stay together, but go their separate ways for college because they know it’s just a high school romance and if they’re meant to be together, it’ll happen in the future.

The ending’s adorable! The best of 80s plays while they’re on their way to “prom” I love that! Totally 80s movie cliche. Because Maya’s a film maker she thinks like a director and everything plays out like a movie. So someone make this movie!

I relate to her parent’s not wanting her to go interstate. My parents didn’t want me to leave home. But her parents were real extreme and disowned her (though we see that mending in the epilogue). I know Indian parents are strict. But that makes me so sad. They left their parents in India FOREVER but they don't like that Maya wants to go to another state for a few years.

It took me until chapter four to realise what was happening in the third person sections inbetween the chapters. It’s intense. But the juxtaposition between Maya’s story and these sections shows just how ingrained this is in society now. When we got the the television scripts I totally saw what was reflected in real life media.

“Is there no end? Is this how life will always be?” I started reading this book after the EIGHTEENTH American school shooting happened this year. In the book the teachers were prepared for a lockdown. It’s a part of modern life, but it shouldn’t have to be. No one should be prepared for an attack at a school.

“Terrorism has no religion” True that! A white guy did it but they first thought is was the Muslim man. Who was there to become a citizen. Ugh. I’m just so angry at the world for being this way. Maya is one of the people who could help change the world.

“Yes, terrible racist stuff happened, but we’re a part of this place, and it’s a part of us. And we can help make it better by being here and living our lives and being happy. We can be.. we are American and Indian and Muslim.” Maya will make the world a better place, even if it’s just a little.