A review by elle_q17
Possessive Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


This was a good book. I really liked the sexual tension and angst between Quinn and Deacon. That's what initially attracted me to them at the end of Cocky Playboy. I liked Quinn. I like how she didn't give up on her dreams of being a lawyer when her dad had a stroke. This woman is a superhero for working full-time, going to night school, and taking care of her father in a wheelchair. As for Deacon, I loved how committed he was to get a date with Quinn. I loved how soft he went around her. She really is his only one. He kinda annoyed me though. His childish behaviour got on my nerves at times. I don't blame Quinn for not wanting to get involved with him at first. Like I said in my review for the first book in this series, the Collins brother can get annoying. For me, the middle was the most exciting part. After that, it got a little repetitive and boring after. I don't think I'll continue this series because I found myself thinking "can I just finish this already?" I wouldn't recommend reading the series all in one shot. It got a little much for me at times. Overall, it was a decent book.