A review by hannadb
The Gilded Cage by Lynette Noni


I finished this book screamig inside. This book cost me so much of my patience. It also made me cry. How can people do such terrible things? Luckily it's only fictional. 
I liked the plot but the Kiva in the second book is not the same Kiva as the girl that survived Zalindov for 10 years. How can someone like her be so naive and oblivious?! In the second half of the book I was just constantly annoyed at how she didn't understand anything and acted so stupidly, I was basially screaming in my head non-stop. 

Loved the cliff hanger, the book generally didn't leave any surprises because it was so predictable but I definitely didn't see the end coming. I also loved Kiva's grandma, what a badass. 

I generally liked the storyline but tbh I was just waiting for Kiva to make her choice because I didn't like how she was accepted in the royal family and still betraying them, spying on them and telling all the wrong things to her sister. Bithc, Kiva thought so well of Zuleeka even though she was mean as heck *all the time*. Also, oh my goodness, the ending was terrible. Not in a way that I didn't like it, but just terrible for Kiva. How could your own sister betray you like this? Also, her knowing that Kiva could have been released from Zalindov right from the beginning and not doing anything about it is horrible, the thought actually made me cry. Also, Kiva should have healed the king, just my personal opinion.