A review by kitsuneheart
Out from Boneville by Jeff Smith


It's been at least 10 years since I read the Bone series, and I was delighted when I managed to find all the volumes at my used bookstore, prompting me to have a little spending spree and a re-reading. Going into the series a second time, having forgotten almost everything but that there is some larger, more epic plot than just a trio of lost marshmallow people, it's made me focus so much more closely on the little details.

I recall first reading snippets of these comics in the old Disney Adventures Magazine, and, let me tell you, they maybe should not have been there. Not that this is somehow raunchy or objectionable to the average reader, but it's just all too much. Why were we reading something so deep in little bits every month? I can hardly imagine the struggle of waiting for the full comic books once a month, now!

I'd advise the new reader to have all the books in the main series on hand before beginning. They go fast, and you will not want to stop, once you realize how deep of a story you're getting. I read five of these in a 24 hour period, and would have done more, if not for chores and sleep. I'm looking forward to finishing it all, and shoving the books at my friends until they all join me in bliss.