A review by luminous
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix


I wanted to love this. But it didn't know what it wanted to be. The title and setup imply some humor, but there is very little humor. The characters are so flat I could not tell several of them apart. There is a horrific SA that comes so out of nowhere that it doesn't hit as horror, but more as exploitation. The wiring style feels like plodding down a road. You'll get to your destination eventually, but there is little that is interesting to see along the way.

The southern neighborhood dealing with unknown horror vibe was better done in The House Next Door.

Good things:

The Nazi obsessed son had potential to be a kind of funny subplot. It also hearkens back to King's Apt Pupil.

GREAT villain. Creative take on the vampire. The most fleshed out (haha) character in the book. Perfectly creepy and so great at manipulation and gaslighting.

Lots of interesting excursions and plot points. The mother in law, especially her story; the attic - which was for my money legitimately scary, creepy, and squicky in the best way; etc

Bad things:

Hendrix writes mostly in third person limited, but lazily slips into omniscient whenever convenient.

When the MC gains 11 pounds over three years, he writes as if she's gained 111.

When the MC describes her own teenage daughter's breasts, she describes them like a man would and it breaks immersion.

Way too long. Almost DNF'd several times in the first 30% because it was slow and uninteresting. It picked up, then had a 3 way time skip, and I was invested after that.

Lots of boring and overly repetitive plot points.