A review by nyx89
Afraid by Jack Kilborn


First of all, I think this book is mis-categorized as horror. In my opinion, it's not a horror novel. It's a suspense thriller novel. A lot of people say this book deeply scared them, but I didn't find this book scary at all. It relies on a lot of blood and gore to scare you, but that sort of stuff isn't scary to me. It's more like a cop out for true horror. So that's why I think it's just a thriller with lots of gore. However, that's not to say I didn't enjoy this novel. I did. I think it's a finely written work, and I felt very invested in the characters. They all seemed really real to me, and I cared about what happened to them. The only character I felt fell a bit flat was Josh. And the story was very interesting. I haven't read anything quite like it before. All in all this is a great read, but if you're expecting something truly terrifying, not just gross, you might want to try something else.