A review by petra_reads
Friendly Fire by John Gilstrap


I came across John Gilstrap's work earlier this year when I devoured his [b:Nick of Time|28439598|Nick of Time|John Gilstrap|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1454880399s/28439598.jpg|48558421] series. When I was offered to read his latest release, I didn't hesitate.
This is the eighth book in the Jonathan Grave series. I haven't read any of the previous ones, but it didn't matter as there was sufficient background provided and it worked fine as a standalone.
Jonathan aka Scorpion and his team are security specialists carrying out rescue missions that are not exactly within the realms of legality. 11 years ago, they saved a little boy from a pedophile ring. While at work in a coffee shop, this boy, Ethan, recognizes one of his abductors, snaps and kills him. When Jonathan finds out about Ethan's arrest, he knows he has to do something to help the boy. But coming forward and confirming Ethan's kidnap story isn't an option. When Jonathan's team look into the identity of the dead kidnapper, they discover connections to a terrorist cell threatening the heart of America.
[a:John Gilstrap|181831|John Gilstrap|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1314683617p2/181831.jpg] does a fantastic job intertwining several storylines, providing several perspectives and bringing them all together in an exhilarating finale. I raced through the gripping last 30% unable to put this down. I loved the interactions between Jonathan, his larger-than-life sidekick, Boxers, and their IT guru, Venice. I'm repeating myself, as I said this in my reviews of Nick of Time, but I love Gilstrap's style of writing.
Highly recommended if you enjoy fast-paced, action-packed heroic stories.
Many thanks to Kensington Book for providing me with an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.