A review by thebookberrie
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw


This was a okayish ghost story but witchy it was not. I feel lied to!

In the town of Sparrow 200 years ago there were three sisters who were accused of being witches and then sentenced to death by drowning in the harbor. Ever since then, the sisters come back for a month in June and take over the bodies of teenage girls, then they take boys and drown them as revenge for what the town did to them. Like most of the town, Penny has accepted what happens every year. That is until a boy comes into town the day before the sisters are set to return. What follows is a bunch of murder, and secrets between everyone in the town. All while Penny and Bo quickly fall for each other.
Love is an enchantress—devious and wild. It sneaks up behind you, soft and gentle and quiet, just before it slits your throat.
That's probably the start of my major issue with this book- that insta-love. Damn, it didn't even TRY not to be insta-love. They meet and the next day, Penny is going on and on about how she needs Bo and how he feels the same. Why though? Everything in this town is shady but they trust each other so fast, it was insane. Their romance was just silly and I didn't feel anything for it. In the current last few years of all our nice YA and we are still doing this kind of "romance" these days? That's a firm no from me.

This version of annoying romance was the driving factor in this book so I couldn't connect with Penny or even Bo because of how honestly stupid they both were. I'm sorry if that's harsh but none of it made sense. Creepy spooky town but this teenage girl invites a random (cute) stranger to stay on her isolated island with her (I mean her mother lives there too but she doesn't actually do anything besides just sit and stare). Even him agreeing makes no sense. Then of course the quick falling in love and the story lost a lot for me.
"This town was built on revenge,” I say. “And it’s never made anything better or right.”
As for the plot and the town itself, I really liked that part. The writing was really atmospheric but I was more into the town and the story of the sisters back in the day then I was in the current timeline. There were a couple of plot twists and yes, one was so obvious I don't think it would even count as a spoiler BUT it was something I thought would be interesting so I was glad for it.

Everyone was pitching this book as a witch story so I was expecting a little more Hocus Pocus and obviously it wasn't anything like that. Oh how disappointed I was in this ghost nonsense. (Seriously people, stop tagging this as witches- you hurt me.)

Otherwise this book wasn't completely awful, I've read worse for sure. It just happened to be only mostly okay. I'm pretty interested in the show that's going to happen at least.