A review by aesoptails
Empire by Orson Scott Card


I enjoyed many of Card's other book (Ender's Game, Speaker of the Dead, etc). In my opinion, his writing has an infused magically quality of it. Unfortunately in Empire, it completely lacks that and feels more like a work of an amateur than of a professional writer.

One of the biggest qualms I had was the constant info dumps done by the characters. What could have been a great action-adventure booked with information paced throughout evenly, there's only a few scenes of actions and then many chapters of characters just talking. Nothing wrong with talking, but with the characters being flat and uninteresting results in me not caring about what they say. Ideas and themes could have been disseminated much better.

Not to spoil too much, but the book labels itself as the next American Civil War that doesn't actually has much of a... well... war. There is only a few true skirmishes throughout the book with no true war being conducted.

However, one of the redeeming qualities is the action scenes (of the few it has).

I wouldn't really recommend this book unless you are a Card Fanatic. There are much better books out there on this same subject.