A review by a_reader_obsessed
Beyond the Sea by Keira Andrews


3.5 Stars

Obviously this is a book about finding love where and when you least expect it, and though Brian and Troy never imagined themselves in such a scenario, shit happens and sometimes, a wonderful thing can come of it.

I liked this book. But I also admit that I was left wanting more. I wanted more UST, I wanted more buildup, interactions, explorations, and surprisingly, more angst. Keira Andrews is one of my favorite authors, and she delivers smart, relatable writing, which means that I'll always be more than ready to drop whatever I may be doing or reading to devour her next release.

So overall, this was still a great, entertaining read, with all the requisite feels and some nice smex. I'm a sucker for epilogues and that was just extra icing on an already delicious cake.