A review by jeynonymous
Three Swedish Mountain Men by Lily Gold

Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
To be fair I wouldn’t have even got that far but I was sick and skimming a lot. It’s just way too ‘okay, now back to the sex’ . Like the plot was getting in the way and the author didn’t want it to so any major issue that was brought up was just instantly forgotten the second it was time to get naked again. Also conversations on heavy topics were brought up at weird times too, like inappropriate and unrealistic times. Almost like the author had forgotten to work them in and went ‘uh… sure! There!’ So… yeah. It’s a shame because there was some okay bones in here of a plot and characters but nothing was fleshed out enough.
what kind of horrible friends totally abandoned you just because you supposedly had possession of cocaine? It’s not even like he was accused of selling it to minors. And, while I know a lot of people are stupid, I have a hard time believing that literally no one but the three guys could tell that she wasn’t a porn star or some junk from that video… Also, not to trivialize people who have gone through a trauma like that but is the world really that bereft of news and porn and smart people that everyone cared so much and couldn’t see the truth and she could be in another country and still get recognized? I think this wasn’t researched or thought through enough in the plot. Like most of it.

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