A review by thedailykaylee
Angel Unseen by J. Bree


Mounts bay saga continues (slight spoilers)

I really enjoyed this book. This is a standalone novel in the mounts bay saga! You don’t have to read the hannaford prep series first, but you honestly should because it will help you understand some things in this book. This is the story of Tomi, a member of the Unseen MC, and Angel, a girl on the run from a dark past who takes a job as a stripper to make ends meet. I loved the book because J Bree has a way of pulling out alllllll the emotions from you. I was choked up several times from the emotions that Angel had. From the self loathing to the honest to God belief that she is worth nothing and the world might be better off if she died. And you want to freaking strangle her because we know how truly kind and pure she is, she was just dealt some crappy cards in life. I loved seeing all of our hannaford crew mentioned, and I loved that were branching out into the MC now, I can’t wait for Posey and Rues book! Now, the reason I deducted 1 star was because of angel and Tomi. I know he doesn’t know what Angel has been through, and his first impression of her is that she’s just some patch chasing stripper, like all the others. But honestly, not once was he ever nice to her AT ALL before they hooked up. Yes I know he’s an alpha MC member, but I just didn’t see the love from him until super late in the book. I would have liked for him to have at least apologize for treating her like a wh*re at some point. Yes he protects her and tells her she’s the one for him, but again, I just never saw the affection between them so that was a little bummer. But it was still a really good book, like a said J Bree is an amazing author who can really pull you into a story, I just would personally like a little more relationship development. I mean honestly what made this book so amazing was all the mentions of our previous mounts bay characters, and seeing the brotherhood between Tomi and Rue. Can’t wait for his book. As well as finding out what’s gonna happen with Colt Graves and the demon MC eventually. The “romance” of this book kind of took a backseat to all of the action/mystery going down that will eventually lead us back to Mounts Bay, and I’m definitely okay with that because my heart definitely belongs to the Family.

I also want to point out that while this can be read as a standalone, the epilogue leaves a cliffhanger to set up Poe and Rues book. So if you don’t want a cliffhanger, skip the epilogue. I, of course, recommend you read the hannaford prep series first (my all time fave).