A review by taylor500
The Raging Storm by Erin Hunter


"Loyalty is more important than anything."

This series as a whole was not perfect, but I'm glad I read it. This series was my gateway into reading, and it holds some of my favorite characters from my childhood. While it was really good to see everyone again, I had my problems with this series.

The new characters did not seem fully developed, we did not see as much of the old guard as I would have liked, and some of the plot points seemed rushed. Previously, everything seemed nicely placed throughout the six books, but this time it felt chopped up and sometimes unclear. I also really hated how the romances for Twigbranch and Violetshine seemed to pop up out of nowhere. It was rushed and completely unnecessary.

The other thing that I hated was the issues of loyalty throughout this series particularly. Dovewing leaves ThunderClan to be with Tigerstar, and then joins ShadowClan? It's seriously like WTF, that is not the Dovewing I knew from Omen of the Stars. Cats were switching sides ever which way and loyalty to your clan was not taken seriously anymore. That pissed me off more than anything. Loyalty to your clan in this series all together was more important than anything, and I remember it being a really big deal if a cat left or betrayed their clan. Now, it's just like "whatever, no one really cares".

The only reason I am giving this book 4 stars is because of the mystery aspect to it. I enjoyed the thrill of wondering what was going to happen with SkyClan and the mystery with the death berries. I'm glad it ended the way that it did, but if I know anything about this series is that peace doesn't last forever.