A review by whimsicaljune
Black Moon by Kenneth Calhoun


I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

The world is full of insomniacs. Everywhere people are losing their minds. The ones who aren't are just trying to stay alive through all the madness. The writing was quite wonderful through out the book. It kept me interested, for the most part. The characters were strong and the premise was good.

Why the 2 stars? Well, the book never really wrapped up in my opinion. As I neared the end of the book I kept thinking "ok, only 20 more pages to wrap this thing up, only 10 pages to wrap this thing up, only 2 pages...." Sadly it never did wrap up. I felt like there was no conclusion, no reasoning as to why this whole epidemic happened in the first place. At the end I just thought "What the h#ll did I just read."