A review by rpych2
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett


I suspect that I’m going to be higher on this book than most, given that it has a slightly less than 4 star average on here, but for me it’s just about 4.5 stars. As a huge football (soccer to us Americans) fan, the plot of this book was fantastic. The wizards (with a distinct lack of Rincewind, whose role was relegated to that of a cameo) had to try and play a game of soccer in Ankh-Morpork, which was previously a mix of soccer and rugby. But at the request of Vetinari, the mysterious Mr. Nutt comes along and turns it into the beautiful game, with tactics and formations (proper 4-4-2 for the time period) and it catches on in a big way.

There’s also a few really interesting subplots in this book. There’s Mr. Nutt coming to terms with who he is, Trev growing into a man, Juliet becoming to the most sought after model in the world, and Glenda’s just whole deal of trying to look out for everyone. There’s also a lot of great bits with the wizards, especially Ridcully and Stibbons. The diminished use of Rincewind definitely helped, but I thought the other wizards were great on their own.

This was definitely the best book in the wizards/Rincewind storyline, even though the ending was a bit lacking in some areas. Personally, I really enjoyed this one, and it would fall in the top half among Discworld books for me.