A review by chazmo1431
The Ridge by Michael Koryta


Every once in a while a really good supernatural book comes along with possible solutions to real threats....this is one of those times! An excellent, non-stop story that incorporates a big cat sanctuary into a devil possession tale. Not sure how Mr. Koryta did that but its quite an accomplishment. Even the character development, though not extensive, is enough to relate to the people in Blade Ridge.

The deaths over the decades have a commonality that are discovered by a "put out to pasture" newsman, goaded on by a local police official who frequents the local prison to visit a female prisoner that shot him years ago!! Is that enough info to capture your interest? Then lets throw in an escaped panther and a lighthouse in the middle of a forest setting! I know it sounds convaluted, but it works. Don't plan anything when you start The Ridge because your night will be filled.