A review by morandareads
Recollections of My Nonexistence by Rebecca Solnit


This is Rebecca Solnit’s crowning achievement. I loved this book. I had read Men Explain Things To Me and liked but not loved it. I read A Field Guide to Getting Lost and liked it but wasn’t moved by it. This book however is superb.

We follow her through her growth as a young woman and into an adult but it’s cerebral, contemplative, and exploratory. It reads almost like stream of consciousness at times but neater, cleaner. You can follow her threads and you come out the other side feeling like she’s brought your through her genuine experience. That is an extremely difficult effect to achieve and I applaud her for it.

I am going to do a deep dive into her writing now. I waited a while to read this book and I’m so glad I finally did. A fascinating and ruminating read to delve into.