A review by justinkhchen
The Arrangement by Kiersten Modglin


Bingeable fun time, The Arrangement aims low, but accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do: cramming as many thriller 'failing heterosexual marriage' tropes as possible into a compact length, and a decently compelling one at that. I appreciate its brevity (not trying to drag things out into a typical 300+ page length), and the assembly of reveals hit the intended impact in most cases (though there are still a few the make my eyes roll at their contrivance). I got strong My Lovely Wife vibe while reading this, so if you're a fan of the Samantha Downing novel, I think you'll easily enjoy this one as well.

Both The Arrangement and The Housemaid are two Kindle Unlimited thriller titles that made a splash online, and I can see why — both have a standard, yet always enticing premise, and can be finished without much mental/time commitment — fast food fiction at its best.