A review by alba_marie
The Colour of Bee Larkham’s Murder by Sarah J. Harris

Did not finish book.
I only managed to get halfway through and have returned it to library because I really couldn't get into this book. Honestly, it's just version 2.0 of Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime (human murder instead of dog...). The book is boring and unrelatable, as are all of the characters. The time jumps are really confusing and unnecessary. None of the characters are likeable or even all that interesting (or realistic).

Being inside Jasper's head is just too much for me. I understand he's got lots and lots of medical conditions but to me, it was like being jolted around inside a toddler's brain and I just couldn't get through it - and honestly, didn't want to. It seems highly unlikely that a person would have Autism AND Synaesthesia AND Prosopagnosia AND live next to someone who happened to be murdered AND all the rest of the sordid details (won't give spoilers here). I mean, really. Oh and the parakeets!!! If I have to hear the word parakeet One. More. Time. I will jump off a cliff. Also, who calls 999 THAT many times!!?? Ugh. Anyway, it's definitely a 1 star from me because I can't leave 0.