A review by mathman329
Come Closer by Sara Gran


2024 Book Review - Book No. 19: “Come Closer” written by Sara Gran

Date started: 5/2/24
Date finished: 5/2/24

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (would recommend reading if you like quick reads, demonic possession, and unreliable narrators)

Spoiler free review: I’d first like to thank my coworker Rhiannon for sharing this one with me. We’d been talking about books recently and she brought this one in last week after we had talked about some other horror novels we had both liked. While I’m not opposed to horror novels, I can absolutely say that I really don’t love horror movies. If I had to choose my least favorite horror movies, they are those that deal with someone being possessed by a malignant entity. If this were turned into a movie, I’m not sure I would want to see it, even knowing what happens in the end. That said, I’d one hundred percent encourage others to read this especially if you’re a horror fan.

After reading about 10 pages before the start of the day on Thursday, I finished the book in one night because I could not put it down. Some books stick with you because they make you feel good while others might make you feel sad. This book made me feel uncomfortable and uneasy the entire time while still forcing me to continue reading. Unlike a horror movie that might start off with you questioning what is going on with the protagonist, Gran pretty quickly establishes that Amanda is not ok, nor is she alone. From the first page to the last, Amanda’s experience only inspires dread and quickly spirals out of control the longer the story goes on.

What I really loved about this book were the questions I did have about it at the end. Though it was pretty straightforward, the resolution made me think about how the story had unfolded and whether everything occurred the way I originally thought. If you’re a horror fan, this is an excellent, quick read that will stay with you long after you finish it.