A review by lilyelement
If I Only Had a Duke by Lenora Bell


If I Only Had a Duke is book two in The Disgraceful Dukes series. I adored LBell's debut book and had to get my hands on this one before book three came out. I actually managed to snag this on sale for $1.99 via Amazon and strongly recommend you grab this series if you enjoy Historical Romance. It's a lovely mix of romance with a dash of humor tossed in.

Lady Dorothea Beaumont is spending some time in her Aunt's Irish estate after two unsuccessful and embarrassing seasons. After seeing a lovely painting hiding away at the Duke of Osborne's estate, she writes him a letter asking if he'd be willing to let her catalog his collection. With several playful letters back and forth Dorothea is called back to London for another attempt at finding a husband. What she didn't count on was the Dalton the Duke of Osborne being there. He's convinced she's trying to lure him into marriage when she really wants nothing of the sort. He decides to dance the first waltz with Dorothea in attempts to make her popular with the gentlemen again. It surprisingly was very successful much to Dorthea's horror, and she wants to head back to her aunt's Ireland estate to avoid being married off to someone she doesn't love. Her escort is none other than Dalton and you just know entertaining scenes will ensue along their journey.

If you've read book one, you've already been introduced to Lady Dorothea. Her half sister Charlene impersonated Lady Dorothea and landed herself a Duke in book one. So we have a tiny bit of knowledge about her beforehand but not too much. I was glad to see more details on Dorothea and rather enjoyed how independent her character was. I really enjoyed this novel, though was a tiny bit sad there wasn't as many laugh out loud scenes as there was in book one. That honestly is the only complaint that I can think of. All in all, this was a wonderful sequel and I cannot wait to read book three. If you're a fan of Historical Romance, do yourself a favor and grab this series immediately.