A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Remembering Everly by J.L. Berg


**3.5-4 stars**

n the first book, we came to know and love August and Everly’s story of second-chance love. They were torn apart by circumstance and bad choices, and reunited two years later when August awakens from his coma. I absolutely loved the tone and drama set into FORGETTING AUGUST, and the sizzling romantic tension between the torn-apart lovers was equally delicious. In REMEMBERING EVERLY, we get their (long-awaited) conclusion.

After the way that the first book ended, I was absolutely jumping at the bit for the rest of their story. JL Berg writes so beautifully, and she has a way of lyrically keeping your attention. Their storyline was so unique and like one of those car crashes you can’t help but stare at, and it hooked me from the beginning. We enter a bit after book one ended, and we begin to view the separate, and torn-apart lives of the characters. A good portion of this book features a lot of introspection and inner-character conflict that comes with life-changing events such as what happened in the first book. It prepares quite a bit in this first half into making the last half what it is. We get to see how book one really affected each character, and their musings into figuring out what they really want by delving into how they plan to go about achieving their end game.

While I loved the outcome, and thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Berg’s writing (as always), I felt that the first half of the book could have been shortened or cut out altogether. The want to find out their ending really kept me going in the story, and I feel like without that drive some readers may not keep reading. Which is a shame because book one was amazing, and where book two eventually takes us does give us that complete feeling we’re ultimately after. I enjoyed their full journey, with the twisty, sometimes dark path we took on August and Everly’s train, and think that any reader will absolutely fall in love with their tale. If the first part were condensed, I think Ms. Berg would have hit it out of the park completely. Overall, I really do recommend this series as it’s unique and written so well.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**