A review by ishouldreadthat
The Haunting Season: Nine Ghostly Tales for Long Winter Nights by Bridget Collins


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I'm not much of a short story reader, but this collection caught my eye for two very simple reasons:

1) That cover is gorgeous
2) The contributing authors is top notch.

Two of my favourite authors have stories in this book (Laura Purcell and Kiran Millwood-Hargrave), but the rest each has at least one book sitting on my TBR shelf right now. Getting the opportunity to sample the writing of Bridget Collins, Imogen Hermes Gowar, Andrew Michael Hurley, Jess Kidd, Elizabeth Macneal, and Natasha Pulley was an absolute treat.

This is a rare collection in which I loved every story in the volume -- I don't think this has ever happened to me. With varying levels of spookiness and paranormal encounters, these Gothic tales are the perfect thing to read on a cold winter night. If you've read and enjoyed anything by one of these authors before, you should absolutely pick The Haunting Season up!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Content warnings: child death, psychosis, confinement, murder