A review by shelleyann01
The Spires by Kate Moretti


I read [b:The Vanishing Year|27274370|The Vanishing Year|Kate Moretti|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1473600596l/27274370._SY75_.jpg|47328200] by Kate Moretti and really enjoyed it, she's definitely knocked it out of the park with "The Spires" as well. I loved how this book kept you questioning everything , even back and forth at some points. The way the story is paced makes the pages turn themselves and this book was un-put-downable.

Moretti's understanding of the human psyche are what makes her stories so incredible to me. Not only does she create incredibly relatable characters but she writes in a way that makes it easy to imagine yourself as the characters. Every breakdown, every heartache, every horrible, gut-wrenching moment feels like it's happening to you. The only reason I didn't five star this one was because the ending went a little too out there for me. It was a bit too far fetched, as they say, and I think that's why the reveal surprised me. Nonetheless, I would recommend this read.

With many thanks to Netgalley, Kate Moretti and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC.