A review by novelesque_life
Reader, I Married Him: Stories Inspired by Jane Eyre by Tracy Chevalier


2016, William Morrow Paperbacks/HarperCollins

"Reader, I married him" is the most famous lines from Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. The story behind this line is briefly discussed in the introduction of this short story anthology, but it is recommended that you read Jane Eyre first. Various writers were given the line "Reader, I Married Him" and asked to write a short story in ode to Jane and the novel. Although, Susan Hill has not read Jane Eyre but her story is fabulous, in my opinion. At the back of the book there is a small biography of each writer and most have a sentence on what Jane Eyre means to them.

I did read the entire anthology though I did skim a few that did not hold my interest. The ones I loved were written by Joanna Briscoe, Helen Dunmore, Emma Donoghue, Susan Hill, Francine Prose, Sally Vickers, Audrey Niffenegger and Tracy Chevalier. The standouts being Niffenegger, Prose, Hill and Dunmore. All the stories in the anthology were well-written and done with passion, but depending on writing style and interest different readers will be attracted to different stories. I recommend this book to all fans of Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte...but also to those who like these authors or want to try a new author.

***I received an eARC from EDELWEISS***

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