A review by joywilcox
The Wolf in the Whale by Jordanna Max Brodsky


This book was EPIC. I did not expect to have such feelings while I was reading as what I did within this book. This is the story of Omat, of her love, her spirit, her fight, her journey from a boy to a man to a woman and back. It is the story of the Spirits and of the Gods. It is the story of loss and of love, of power and struggle, of fear and triumph, of life and death, of loss and gifts. It is a story that is so strong and so deep, so emotional and it is one that will stay with me forever. There are so many parts that I had to pause at, just to let the information sink in. The author did an amazing job at beginning her research together between Inuit, Norse, and a little Christ when talking about the entwining of these beings but yet it was not a religious book. I'm not ready for Omats story to be done and I do not know if another book will top this. I read this book because it was recommended for those that love Katherine Arden's Winternight trilogy and it did not disappoint. That trilogy has been one that I have loved since it was introduced to me.... and The Wolf in the Whale has taken over the title of the best book I've EVER read. I do not have words for how I feel right now aside from loss and a deep sensation of mourning. "For this is the end of the tale".