A review by see_sadie_read
The Shadow Revolution by Susan Griffith, Clay Griffith


Really quite enjoyable. There was a lot of action here and two subtle romantic subplots...ok, one subtle romantic subplot and one hint at a future subtle romantic subplot. Either way, I liked knowing it was there but having it never come to the fore. I liked that the women were strong, ingenuitive, action-takers and I liked that the men let them be agents of their own destiny, never insisting they stay behind where they'd be safe and protected.

I suppose I could argue that this same acceptance and admiration for Kate and Penny's outspoken, take charge attitudes (not to mention the women's behaviours itself) was completely anachronistic to the Victorian setting, But since I enjoyed it, I'm willing to roll with the inference that since they're all outsiders of one sort or another that explains it. It doesn't really, but I'll take it.

The book did get bogged down in endless fighting at times. I've no problem with violence or even gore, but at times it went on so long it began to feel redundant. Along the same line, there seemed to be an endless supply of mindlessly violent werewolves to fight through, despite being told they were rare. Which also led me to wonder why it was only little Charlotte who wasn't in a beserker rage and therefore available and willing to side with and assist the 'good guys.'

All-in-all, a fun start to a new series that I'll be more than happy to continue.