A review by very_vero
Secrets by Alicia Michaels


Rating: 4.5/5

A great follow up to Titanium, Secrets is told from the PoV of Gage. He is not as a great narrator as Dax was in the second book of the series, but I am really glad we finally got to learn his story and secrets.

The thrid book in the Bionics series is as action packed as the second one and also has a lot of romance in it. Gage and Blythe have some alone time and a lot of things happen. Also, we finally get to learn more about the Rejects, the Bionics who are against the government but in more violent ways than the Resistance. I am pretty sure we haven't seen the last of them yet.

This was a worthy follow up and that ending had me screaming to my kindle screen. I can't wait to see what happens next. On to Spark!