A review by missbookiverse
Strangeworlds - Öffne den Koffer und spring hinein by L.D. Lapinski


This is the kind of middle grade I love! It's creative and unique with all the different worlds (I especially enjoyed the little candy shop), but also a little complex with the schisms and the multiverse and not completely predictable. The protagonists in this one are interesting, too because their age often is hard to pinpoint. Flick seems to be on the verge of becoming a teenager, so slightly too old for a middle grade, and Jonathan plays the role of the grown-up while not yet being one either. The chemistry between them is interesting, too. I wonder if something more will develop between them. Initially, Flick's home situation reminded me a lot of [b:Coraline|17061|Coraline|Neil Gaiman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1493497435l/17061._SY75_.jpg|2834844], which made the whole book feel even more cozy. Very much looking forward to the sequel.