A review by canadian_booknerd
Don't Lick the Minivan: And Other Things I Never Thought I'd Say to My Kids by Leanne Shirtliffe


I don't read a lot of non-fiction but when one of my favorite bloggers released a book I had to check it out. I wasn't disappointed. This book had me laughing out loud on a consistent basis.
It covers Leanne's pregnancy and parenthood from Thailand to Canada. She has twins, one boy and one girl, and she has captured both the trials and tribulations of being a parent from a very humorous perspective.
To give you an idea of what you are in for, here is a small excerpt from when she and a friend tried to sneak wine into a theatre:
"My friend and I settled into our seats and broke out our contraband picnic one the previews started. Little napkins, Babybel cheeses, dark chocolate, and wine, wine that was nowhere to be found.
"Crap," I said. "I forgot it on the counter." Then I remembered. "Oh my god, it's in sippy cups." A head movie of my six year olds becoming drunk played in my cortex.
I rushed out of my seat, making everyone in our row stand, tripped on a step, and was dialing home on my cell phone before I hit the lobby.
"Have the kids had anything to drink?" I asked Chris.
"Yeah, they've had a drink," he answered. I could hear his voice tense.
"What did they drink?" I asked.
"Are you OK?"
"Did they drink from their sippy cups?"
"I don't know."
"Do they seem drunk?"
"I put wine in their sippy cups to bring to the movie."
"You what?"
"I filled them with wine. To smuggle it. But I forgot it on the counter."
"You put wine in their sippy cups?"
"Yes. The stainless steel ones."
I could hear him descending the stairs, cell phone in hand.
"It's still here," he said.
"Can you put it in the fridge?"
"Just put it in a bag first...and hide it. I'll have it later.""