A review by carrkicksdoor
The Lady Knows Best by Susanna Craig


Disclaimer: The author is a former professor of mine who I have remained friends with.

There are many romance novels where plot is expediently ignored in favor of sex. There are likewise many novels that never get to love scenes because they’re more concerned with the plot. THE LADY KNOWS BEST is beautifully balanced, with a plot that focuses on the feelings of the hero and heroine and engages a slow burn that quite nicely culminates in a HEA. The hero and heroine are delightful, as are their families and friends, all fully realized people, even if you don’t know their stories. And while this might not affect the average reader, Susanna Craig’s academic background means that her look at Regency England isn’t just fun—it’s historically accurate. Overall, this will make a very nice (and permanent) addition to my bookshelves, and not just because Susanna is a friend, but because it really, truly, is good.