A review by theliteraryhooker
The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish


**Find my full review HERE at Sci-Fi & Scary.**

Review excerpt:

Henderson Close starts off slowly: an unexpected sighting here, a brush against the arm there, but it quickly builds into an intense and undeniably, deliciously paranormal ride. I really enjoyed all of the characters here as well. They don’t spend half the book refusing to believe what’s happening to them when it’s clearly supernatural, but they also don’t immediately jump to the conclusion that, oh, well, this is ghosts. There’s a nice balance to it that makes the characters feel smart and reasonable, characteristics that are often sadly lacking in horror novels.

I did have some issues with this novel though. I felt like the connection between the characters and Miss Carmichael was tenuous at best. I wish the “why” of it had been a little more concrete. I thought the ending was quite a departure from the rest of the novel too. Not necessarily a bad ending, but it caught me a little off guard in the context of the rest of the novel.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my tour of Henderson Close, and this book has easily put Catherine Cavendish on my list of authors to explore.