A review by sh78196
Why We Can't Sleep: Women's New Midlife Crisis by Ada Calhoun


I liked the overall book just fine. There were interesting statistics, and the short glimpses into others lives that are the same age as me made me feel less alone.
This is probably a book those in the upper middle class will relate with more. The author says she interviewed people from all income levels. But I have zero friends who have the money and other wealth factors that she mentions in here. I'm middle class. Well, now with inflation I may be borderline lower middle class. Nannies, multiple new cars, living in NY or LA, etc. I just don't relate to that. At all. 
She also had slmany references to being the generation of older moms.  Again, I don't relate. I know maybe 2 people who had kids past 35. But many, many situations talk about the struggles of older moms. Again, that's fine but I think not a true representation of our generation to say more of us have kids in their late 30s and all the way through to mid 40s. 
The book is a good message. It's a short, easy read. I do recommend it for sure.