A review by yvo_about_books
The Confession by Jessie Burton


Finished reading: May 16th 2023

WARNING: guess what?! It's another unpopular opinion!

Right... I already feared this was going to happen to be honest. Slower stories haven't really worked for me lately, and I had my doubts if I was going to be in the mood for The Confession. My TBR jar decided it was time for me to finally read it back in February, and I've been posponing it ever since... This is in fact the third time I tried starting it, which is never a good sign I guess. That said, the slower pace wasn't my main issue with this book. Between the cringeworthy writing ("her cunt a warm coal"; WTF?!), the tone being way too pretentious, the weak character development, the unlikeable characters and my general lack of interest in how the story would develop, I had a very hard time convincing myself to keep reading. In fact, I started skimreading quite early on, and I truly wish I had just DNFed it instead. I hated that the women seemed to be defined by their ability to have children, and the feminism incorporated into the plot didn't feel genuine. The male characters hardly had any development at all, and the female characters were simply maddening. Guess who truly didn't agree with her TBR jar this time around? Most people do seem to enjoy this one though, so it might just be that Jessie Burton's writing simply isn't for me anymore. 

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