A review by bookfairy99
The Optimized Woman: Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Achieve Success and Fulfillment by Miranda Gray


I'm very much a "Type A" personality. I like charts and lists, and nothing makes me happier than getting to put a checkmark in a box. Therefore, my favourite part of this book was definitely the daily plan; the day-by-day breakdown of how best to utilize the hormonal energy of a particular cycle day to get the most out of productivity, goal achievement, and personal growth. I also really liked the description of creating a Cycle Dial. Again, I appreciated the cohesive look at a month's worth of insight in one place.

What I thought less successful was the explanation of each phase. I found those chapters dry and difficult to follow. I've read other books on the subject that were much better organized, more insightful and offered a more accessible look into why the cycle is so impactful. (4 Seasons in 4 Weeks is my favorite to date.) It could be that I already knew enough on the topic of working with my cycle to glaze over the explanations and impatiently want to get to the good stuff - which, for me, was the plan itself.