A review by wolffe
A Dangerous Man by Connie Brockway


I found this book in a thrift shop and, being only 50 cents, decided to give it a go. Sometimes you get lucky and find wonderful gems in the 50 cent bin.[return][return]This time I was pleasantly surprised. Having never heard of Brockway I didn't know what to expect, but she delivered with a smart, witty novel that kept my attention the whole way through.[return][return]The mystery is quickly figured out but that doesn't detract from the story. The characters are nicely done, though there are a couple of groan worthy moments during the sex scenes where the purple prose gets a bit out of hand.[return][return]I thought Hart was an especially nice hero. I like heroes who have believable flaws and his was completely understandable. Mercy, his heroine, had a bit of the too-stupid-to-live syndrome but was a fun read nonetheless.[return][return]I'll definitely be looking for Brockway's other titles in the future.