A review by fishface
Shadows of the Short Days by Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson


2.5 stars

The concept of this steampunk, dimensionally warped Reykjavík is very cool and I enjoyed the world building immensely. The Náskárar were very cool and I would have like to learn more about them.

Unfortunately, the characters ended up being a let down. They were all so unlikeable that I struggled to care about either the revolution or the demon summoning aspects of the plot. Garún had potential, but she ended up far too self righteous and one dimensional. Which left me with basically nothing. Their relationships with each other of the story also felt pretty empty as a result.

Ultimately I think this story and world has a lot of potential, enough that I will read from this author again in the future if they publish something else, but this book wasn’t for me because of the characters.