A review by adfj897
The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs

hopeful inspiring reflective fast-paced


Page 47 on

“...linking Love and Revolution is an idea whose time has come” (47)

“...we need to go beyond traditional capitalism” (48)

“This kind of organizing takes a lot of patience because changing people and people changing themselves requires time” (49)

“ what we urgently need are impassioned discussions everywhere, in group small and large, where people from all walks of life are not only talking but also listening to one another” (52)

“ what do you mean by revolution? It is hard to struggle for something that you have not yet tried to define a name” (53)

“[Jimmy and Grace]... concluded that although rebellion is a stage in the development of revolution, it falls short of revolution” (67)

“[Americans] are the ones who must begin to live more simply so that others can simply live” (73)

“We want and need to exercise power, not take it” (76) 

“...a concept of Love ([MLK] called it “Agape”), which is based on the willingness to go to any lengths to restore or create community. Practicing this concept of Love empowers the oppressed to overcome Fear and the oppressors to transcend Hate” (95)

“...Love isn’t about what we did yesterday; it’s about what we do today and tomorrow and the day after” (97)

“[movement builders] hate unjust deeds but are careful not to hate the doers of these deeds” (100)

“[Detroit] views cities as an ecosystem rather than a machine” (124)

“...we need to see progress. It in terms of ‘having more’ but in terms of growing our souls by creating community, mutual self-sufficiency, and cooperative relations with one another” (134)

“Like workers in the factory, children and young people are denied their full humanity by a [school] system that trains them to survive, consume, and produce” (142)

“By recognizing our own culpability instead of putting all the blame on and demonizing others, we can discover the power within each of us to change the world by changing ourselves” (168)