A review by cherryredsreads
Tapping Her by Max Monroe


Yes, Yes & Yes!!!!

Hilarious, Scorching Hotness that yes my cherries were baking & popping in the sun on the beach with Kline & Benny's sex filled honeymoon.

My goodness, I thought book#1 was hot, but this one trumped it.

And I loved getting Thatcher & Cassie antics and how the authors set us up for the next book in this series!

I am soooooo in love with all these characters.

I need the next book like Kline needs to be inside of his wife Benny all the time!

Yes, I said it... What like you weren't thinking it too?

Cherries popped more times than I could count in this novella.

Such a funny & sexy read.  I'm such a fan of these authors.

Go 1 click!  

It's a must read & make sure to pick up the first book in this series

**ARC kindly provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review***

5 Cherries Popped