A review by tony
Favor by Parnell Hall


This time our bumbling PI gets talked into doing a favour for a cop friend who's convinced his daughter's husband is up to no good. All Stanley has to do is go up to Atlantic City and follow him around to find out if anything untoward is happening. Whereupon Stanley not only uncovers the husband's involvement with a loan-shark and a crooked casino dealer, but also discovers another PI, following the wife. He pulls a quick trick to steal that PI's photos from the lab (we're still in the 1980s here) to see if there's anything he should know there, except before he can work out what's going on he finds himself quickly embroiled in a double murder… again with himself as the number one suspect.

Hall starts to find his pace here — this is a definite notch up from the first two in the series. ★★★☆