A review by purrfectpages
Together, Apart by Auriane Desombre, Jennifer Yen, Sajni Patel, Rachel Lippincott, Brittney Morris, Erin A. Craig, Natasha Preston, Bill Konigsberg, Erin Hahn

Every time I read a book of short stories I wonder why I don’t read more of them. So when this title came up on Net Galley, I decided to leave my self-imposed comfort zone, so to speak. It’s actually ironic to allude to leaving anything though, because this is a collection of stories about the complete opposite.

Together, Apart is a book that never would have happened without Covid-19. I know, I know...who wants to reminded of the world wide epidemic when most of us read to escape just that? Pandemic overkill aside, when you really think about it, quarantine is actually excellent fodder for meet cutes and long distance pining.

This book is comprised of nine short stories with a YA slant, written by different authors. Another plus of books like these is it’s a great way to “sample” an author’s writing who may otherwise be new to you and get a feel for their style. While each story naturally had the same theme, each author had their unique approach to making quarantine woes their own.

As with any collection, some stories resonated more with me than others. My personal favorites happened to be the bookends of the collection- the first entitled Love, Delivered, written by Erin A. Craig, and Masked, written by Erin Hahn.

So if you can handle reading what is one of the first in what’s soon to be an onslaught of virus inspired entertainment, I’d say Together, Apart is a safe choice.

Thanks to Net Galley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.