A review by aliveinbooks
Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison


This was such a fun read for me. The relationship between our MC Rory and twin Scarlett is hilarious to say in the least. They both have a morbid sense of humor, witty comebacks, and aren’t exactly alike. It was refreshing to see twins that were vastly different, like the sun and the moon, but still the same in some aspects.

Rory is a fiery yet reserved woman with a complicated history. While this is a werewolf story it feels like it comes secondary to Rory having to navigate her sister’s pregnancy, dealing with her anger towards her mother after an incident in early childhood, and now her complicated feelings towards her childhood Best Friend Ian whose had feelings for her since they were kids.

This is the second book that I’ve read by Rachel Harrison, and once again, I am absolutely in love with her storytelling abilities, and how she doesn’t make the supernatural the center of the story. She focuses on her main characters complicated relationship with themselves, and possibly those around them.

I dare say this was a cozy read to me. A+ and definitely recommend.