A review by lostinagoodbook
A Coup of Tea by Casey Blair


Very enjoyable cozy fantasy.

I am so glad I’ve become aware of this sub-genre of cozy fantasy. I had never heard of it before and once I realized it existed it helped to make so much of my recent reading preferences make more sense. I loved this book because it is fairly low stakes, has some really likeable characters and feature people coming together as a kind of found family. It is pretty heartwarming fare and is perfect for lying in bed and the end of a long day and drifting off to sleep with a good story. Oh wait, not that it is dull and makes me fall asleep … oh you know what I mean. It’s something I can relax with.

This book features a good heroine. She is aware that she doesn’t really fit into the classic princess roles that are available to her, so she makes the IMO very brave choice to throw it all away and go live on her own terms. Absolutely frightening prospect to be clear. I immediately thought, this girl has absolutely no clue how to go about this, which becomes immediately clear. Thankfully, she finds her footing fairly quickly, and is able to lean on the skills she learned as a royal to make her way.

I feel like any good cozy fantasy book needs a strong food aspect to make it truly cozy. This one is very tea focused which is nice. I love the descriptions of the tea services and accoutrements.

This was an enjoyable read and I am adding volume 2 to my TBR.

Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley.