A review by thistlechaser
In the Time of Dinosaurs by K.A. Applegate


Disclaimer: I'm reading this series for the first time as an adult. (Unfortunately) I have no fond memories coloring my reading.

This was the second book in the Animorphs series that I didn't finish. These "extra" books never seem to work for me. The Megamorphs ones (so named because they're twice as long as the other books) are 100% action, no plot-impact. I'm not reading this series for the fight scenes.

In this book, through a plot device riff in space/time, the Animorphs go back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. I have no idea why, but it takes them a really long time to realize when they are. They've dealt with time travel in previous books, and they know what dinosaurs are... When they see evidence of dinosaurs (footprints the size of swimming pools, tops of trees eaten, dinosaur-sized paths through the forest) it takes them forever to put the pieces together.

These books almost always have big honking plot holes, but the ones in this book were bigger than usual. (Dinosaur-sized!)

Based on the other reviews of this book, it gets even worse in the second half (TWO new alien races that we never encounter again, one of them apparently shaping the whole human race in a most illogical way), so I jumped ship at the 50% mark.