A review by alongreader
The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis


Five girls try to escape their brothel in this magic-infused Western.

This is a great adventure story. I didn't want to put it down once I'd started it, I wanted to find out what would happen next. There was no sense of padding, things progressed nicely and the characters mostly grew with their experiences.Although it finished very nicely, there's definitely room for more titles set in this universe, and I'd be first in line to read them.

This is going to do very well.

They were silent for a few paces. Then Tansy spoke up, hesitantly. "I've never seen a man afraid of me like that before," she said. "It's always been me who's had to be afraid of them."

"Felt good," Mallow said, nodding.

No one else replied, but Aster could sense the others' unspoken agreement. And yet, none of them could quite seem to meet anyone else's eye. Aster didn't feel guilty in the least for what they'd done.

But she wondered if she ought to.

No. That dirty rip had it coming, she told herself fiercely. Let him be at our mercy, for a change.

But he'd almost gotten away. And if he had -

"We'll be more careful next time," Mallow went on, as if she'd heard Aster's thoughts. "There'll be a next time, won't there?"

They hadn't counted the shine yet, but Aster suspected it was enough to justify the risks they'd taken.

"There'll be a next time," she promised.

Some part of her looked forward to it.