A review by jessie_h
Yes, Daddy by Jonathan Parks-Ramage

Did not finish book.
I had heard so many great things about this book that I had to request it. Unfortunately, I ended up putting this book aside around the 60% mark. The writing style was intriguing but I found the content darker than I wanted to read. There are a bunch of trigger warnings for this book like sexual abuse and rape, homophobia, drug use, and depression to name a few. I'm sure there would be more if I had finished the book.

The plot was both mesmerizing and horrifying like a train wreck you can't take your eyes from but for me it leaned more into the horrifying. The characters never felt fully realized but I will say the villains of the story where the way they were written made it easy to hate them.

I can see so many people enjoying this book as a dark thriller as well as a social commentary on one aspect of the #MeToo movement where successful, rich older men prey on younger gay men. It is a book that is both needed and will spark many conversations that need to take place. I can see this book being very controversial. I can applaud what the author was trying to do with it but it just was too dark for me to finish reading it.

Because I didn't finish it, I won't be rating it.

*ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley