A review by emmaemmaemmaemma
Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor


This author has a very unique writing style that entices you into falling deeper into the world. Like a roller coaster, the anticipation at the beginning of the book leaves you devouring every page. Though it does lag a bit in the middle, it’s just juicy enough to keep you wanting more, until you come to the end, delighted, and considering the next book.

I think I’ll come back to this series eventually, but it’s not one where I MUST have the next book immediately. However, as a stand alone, it really is a delight to read, and as it draws from a culture and mythos that I am entirely unfamiliar with, that adds a layer of intrigue simply to learn more about things like Juju knives and Wasp Artists (which was one of the highlights of the book for me)