A review by schenkelberg
Orosz napló - Robert Capa 70 fotójával by John Steinbeck


I did not know about this story until I was scrolling though his works on Audible - A Russian Journal is a fine read, and considers a remarkably relevant question that still persists for us today. Who are the Russians, are they people, or are they what the news and media have made them out to be?

While that question could apply with more relevance to other groups in the world, Steinbeck's outline of the problems we have as humans of understanding that people we don't know well are, in fact, still humans is an important work. He explores the question here by actually making a trip to the Soviet Union with his tremendous photographer friend, and the book is meant to be a record, keeping as true as he can, of the experience.

Its far from an example of Steinbeck's greatest works, and I feel I enjoyed it much more as an audiobook than had I sat down to read through it, but it was quite enjoyable nonetheless, and did much to shine a light into parts of the world I had never before considered myself, beyond scanning the news headlines.