A review by ashyoung
How to be a Renaissance Woman by Jill Burke


This was an incredibly interesting book. It was fascinating to learn about the parallels between women in the 15th century and women now, beauty standards and expectations and societal pressures. The way race plays into beauty standards and what is and is not perceived or allowed to be beautiful. The way beauty products and practices can be an indicator of class, richer women stepping on poor to ascend. How women have always been clever and ingenious when it comes to navigating forever underlooked women's health, or dealing with abusive husbands through beauty ingredients they knew to be toxic. It's fascinating to hear about all the writings and the guides and the how to articles about beauty, written by both men and women back then. 

This was packed full of information and references, but wasn't clunky or difficult to read. It was very well-written, easy to follow and enjoyable.