A review by atrailofpages
Capture the Crown by Jennifer Estep


Wow, this was such a good fantasy! Plus, I'm obsessed with this cover!

This follows Gemma Armina Merilde Ripley princess of Andvari who is a pampered princess by day, but a spy on a mission in truth. She is in disguise in Blauberg and is investigating rumors of tearstone being stolen from their mines. While investigating, she finds out how the tearstone is being stolen, and that it is the Mortans their enemies, but also finds herself saving the life of her nemesis Prince Leonidas Luther Andor Morricone who is a captive of these enemy Mortons. After rescuing Leo, she finds herself in trouble and badly hurt, and he rescues her, but rather than save her in her hometown, he takes her to his home to heal her. While there, Gemma makes an executive decision to spy on the Morricones while there since no one knows who she is, and she is determined to find out what the Morricones have planned for her tearstone, while also trying to fight her very strong attraction to Leonidas.

This was such a good and unique fantasy! I love the unique magic system and the unique mythical creatures used, such as gargoyles, which you don't get to read often in books. The world is unique as well. One of the things I loved about the world are the names. As you saw earlier, the royals have such long names and I love that little detail in this book. There is also many unique magical abilities people have in this world, such as mind magiers(who are basically telepathic), but they also can walk through dreams. There are those who can see through time both past and present, there are those who are shape shifters that basically have another being living in them and you can see the creature on them like a tattoo that moves(like I just loved this idea!), and many more. I normally do not enjoy political intrigue in books, but the way it is portrayed in this series is very well done. I was never bored, or confused. It made sense to me, and it makes you want to root for each side since they both have their good aspects and bad.

There are also quite a few characters, but the main ones we see are Gemma, and Leo, but some side characters that you really get to know and love are Reiko, Milo, Maeven, Grimley, and Delmira. I will say Gemma made me so mad at times. Her and her stupid grudge against Leo, like girl it was so long ago, just stop! Maybe I'm just a forgiving person, I dunno, but she drove me nuts in this book! I do appreciate seeing how much she grows, though. She has such insecurities when it comes to her magic and she basically has no confidence in herself. To watch her learn how strong she really is and that she's capable of controlling her powers was a sight to see especially since a certain someone ALWAYS knew she is magnificent! She is a fantastic character and is one that needs and has a lot of growth. She is someone I think I need to have patience with since she obviously needs to work through some things and learn from her past and get past what has already happened.

Now Leonidas...first off his name is just perfect! And he is perfect lol. OMG, I just love this boy! I'm not a huge fan of morally grey characters, but when they do have redeeming qualities, like Leo, I will fall in love with them. Leo has A LOT of issues when it comes to his completely psychotic family, and the abuse he has dealt with in the past and currently as well. I just don't understand how he is sane, it's impressive how he's not this psychotic violent persona like his brother Milo. But you know, it may be because of a certain someone he cares about, or well two people he cares about. I can see why some may think he is weak, but I don't think he's weak, I think he just has a big heart, is very forgiving and very loving. He cares a lot, maybe too much, but the love he has is infinite. I know is mother is scary and psycho, but I appreciate how much he loves his mother and sister, and despite being burned so many times, he still has not given up on his mother. That takes a lot of love and dedication! Which is why I feel bad for him when it comes to dear Gemma. The patience he has though, oh my goodness! I would say he deserves better than Gemma, but they work so well together, I'm rooting for him!

That being said, the romance in this book is soooo frustrating, and sooooo sloooooowwww it was great! I love me some good slooooow burn romance that is an enemies to lovers forbidden romance, it just has all the good stuff when it comes to the romance in this book! It was so well done, and I will be reading the next book immediately to see what happens with this romance!

The villains are really well done in this book too. They are despicable, and just terrible and I cannot see myself ever loving them, but they are very good at being villains. Some side characters I really liked are Delmira and Reiko. Delmira I expect to hear about more in the next book, but she's a lot like Leo, and is just a sweet person stuck in the middle of a crazy family! Reiko was a fantastic character! It's rare for me to really love a side character, but I adored Reiko! She's a dragon shape shifter, and is sassy, and I love the friendship she develops with Gemma as a fellow spy.

This was just an overall great fantasy, and a great start to the series! Did it frustrate me to no end? Yes, very much so, but in a good way, and I just know it will get even better, especially after that ending! 4.5/5 stars.